The Middle East is known for its cultural values and the inner beauty and strength of its
people. It left a tremendous impression on me when I was traveling there.
My collection of paintings is a tribute to that wonderful place. The first piece is called
“Darbak”. It is well known that family and kids are of a great importance especially in the
culture of Middle East. I believe that our future isn’t defined by a technological progress
or major social changes but is defined by people. By our kids who are the future and
who will change the future. The values You give and the ideas you spread and the way
you treat those little things will affect the world in the future, as they are the ones who
will be responsible for it in some time.
That is why if you want to take care about the future, take care of kids by leading them
to the right decisions and respecting the personality they have.
On the background if you noticed this is the flag of the United Arab Emirates, the part
with desert represents the development of this country, how UAE in the shortest terms
came from desert in to such beautiful technological city, shown with Burj Khalifa.